The PECULAR physical and mental nature of an indivisual.
Defination of prakruti:
The term prakruti means swabhaava or nature of an indivisual.
“Shukraartavastai janmaadau vishainaiva vishakrime”
• Prakruti is a group of charectristics inherited by an indivisual formed at time of shukra-shonita samyoga or conseption.
• At the time of fertilization the dominant dosha of both sperm and ovum constitutes the origin of prakruti of an indivisual.
• Apart from this the some scholars classified prakruti on the basis of Bhuta predominance and Physcic bahaviour.
• Also the deha prakruti is considered to be primarily genetic in origin as sperm and ovum carry with them the constituents of both the parents.
Intra-uterine factors influencing
Aacharya CHARAKA says “that majourly the
prakruti of the child to be born is determined at the time of itz conception or at the time of fertilization in the womb of mother but some other factors also influence the prakruti of an Indivisual.
• The 4 intra-uterine factors effect or influence prakruti of child or and individual.
The 4 intra-uterine factors effect or influence prakruti
of child or and individual are:
1.Shukra-shonita prakruti
2.Kaala-gharbaashaya prakruti
3.Maathuraahaara-vihaara prakruti
4.Mahaabutha-vikaara prakruti
1. Shukra-shonita prakruti: the state of dosha in the shukra[ sperm] of father and shonita[ ovum] of mother at the time of conception or fertilization influences deha prakruti.
2. Kaala-gharbhaashaya prakruti:
a. kaala: dosha predominence during pregnency
b. garbaashaya: the condition of uterus during pregnency.
3. Maathurahara-vihara prakruti:
the diet and behaviour of mother during pregnency will have an impact the baby she is going to deliver.
4. Mahabuta-vikaara prakruti: the dominence of Mahabuta during pregenency will affect prakruti of an individual.
Extra-uterine factors influencing deha prakruti:
Apart from those four intra-uterine factors influencing the prakruti, ACHARYA CHARAKA has also mentained 6 other factors which determine the prakruti of an indivisual
The 6 extra-uterine factors effect or influence prakruti of
child or and individual are:
1. Jati-prasakta [racial pecularities]
2. Kula-prasakta [familiar pecularities]
3. Deshaanu-paatini [habitual pecularities ]
4. Kaalanu-paatini [time pecularities]
5. Vayonu-patani [age factors]
6. Pratyatma niyate [individual factors]
1. Jati-prasakta [racial pecularities]:
this implies to the race of the individual ex: chines and nepalies are generally born with stunned nasal bridge,nigros, chines/nepal-eyes
2. Kula-prasakta: [familiar picularities] certain families have some sort of pecularities like
a. acromegaly- excess growth
b. dwarfism
3. Deshaanu-paatini :[habitual pecularities the natural variation of the region or locality like sea-sore region, desert-region etc
4. kaalanut-patini : [time]
different times of the day and night and also different seasons have certain pecularities
“vayo aho raatri buktaanaam te antya madyaadigaaha
kramat” [a.h su]
5. Vayonut-paatini:[age factor]
The predominence of doshas in different ages like:
a) During childhood- kapha dosha
b) During adulthood- pitta dosha
c) During oldage- vata dosha
6. Pratyatma niyate:[indivisual factors]
according to different indivisual there will be a picularities.
Classification of deha prakruti:
Prakruti is mainly classified into 3 groups: i.e
I. Deha-prakruti [physical]
II. Maanasika-prakruti [phsychological]
III. Bhoutika-prakruti [elemental]
I.“Deha-prakruti [physical] :“
1.Vata prakruti
2.Pitta prakruti
3.Kapha prakruti
4.Vata-pitta prakruti
5.Vata-kapha prakruti
6.Pitta-kapha prakruti
Vata prakruti - hina prakruti
Pitta prakruti – madyama prakruti
Kapha prakruti – uttamma prakruti
Vata-pitta prakruti - nindya prakruti
Vata-kapha prakruti – nindya prakruti
Pitta-kapha prakruti – nindya prakruti
Tri-dosha-prakruti – sresta prakruti
1. Vata prakruti laxanas:“
Sharirika laxanas:
a) Dry, wasted,small body with prominent veins and
b) Voice is dry,low,broken,cracked
c) Restless movements of joints,eyes,eyebrows,jaws lips
hand and feet etc
d) Rough hairs,nails,teeth, cracked limbs
e) Joints produces sound while walking
Manasika laxanas:
Always wakeful
Variation of mood
Quick in grasping and forgetting
Unsteady in friendship
Like musing, gambling and travelling
Grinds teeth while sleeping
According to sushruta:
Vata persons nature resembles the nature of
a. goats- lean body
b. Rats- colour and coward
c. Donkey- voice and colour
dreams: vata person dreams of flying in sky , jumping
from height i.e which are not possible
2. Pitta prakruti laxanas:“
Sharirika laxanas:
a. Soft delicate mediem sized body with many
moles,spots and pimples
b. Soft joints and limbs
c. Nails,eyes,tongue,lips,palma are coppery colour
d. Eyes are small and unsteady,less eye lashes
e. Profuesly sweating with bad smell from body
f. Frequently passes urine and faeces
g. Early baldness,graying,less hairs with brownish
Manasika laxanas:
Incapable of bearing sufferings
Irritable temper
Intelligent and scholar
Quick grasping power
Makes lengthy speech
Never over powered by fear
Dislikes sunlight and hot things
According to sushruta:
Pitta person nature rsembles the nature of
a. Tiger
b. Monkey
c. Cat
Dreams : pitta person dreams lightning, flashes,fire, redflowers etc
3. Kapha prakruti laxanas:
Sharirika laxanas:
Well built body with pleasant look
Firm and well interlocking joints
Stable and strong body, stable movements
Attractive appearance and smooth
Plump and rounded limbs
Deep thundering voice
Less talk, sleep more
Strong,curly,black,plenty of hairs
Red eyes
Manasika laxanas:
a. He is self controlled.
b. Forebearing unselfish and strong mentally.
c. He has no hurry in talking decisions and giving
d. He is greatful, humble, and not having much desire
towards worldly things.
e. He bears hunger, thrust sufferings.
f. He has a dignified nature, respectful towards his
superiors mentors and teachers .
According to sushruta:
Kapha prakruti person nature resembles the nature of:
a. Gods
b. Lion
c. Horse
d. Elephant
Dreams : they dream large lakes with lotus and
4. Vata-pitta prakruti:
the characterstics of both the vata and pitta prakruti are seen
5. Vata-kapha prakruti:
characterstics of both the vata and kapha prakruti are seen
6. Pitta-kapha prakruti:
characterstics of both the kapha and pitta prakruti are seen
7.Sama prakruti or tridosha prakriti:
• We doshas all the three doshas are normal and they represent the charectrestics of all vata , pitta and kapha prakruti itz known as sama prakruti.
• Sama prakruti is also called as srestha prakruti [ the best one] in which all they perform good qualities. A person with balanced prakruti is strong and energetic
II.Bhautika prakruti:
Acharya susruta has mentioned bhautika prakruti according to the different predominent bhuta in the body.
Thus there are five bhutika prakrutis such as :
1.Nabhasa prakruti :
2.Vayavya prakruti :
3.Agneya prakruti :
4.Jaleeya prakruti :
5.Paarthiva prakruti :
1. Nabhasa prakruti : this prakruti persons are having good moral conduct and having longivity.
2. Vayavya prakruti : resembles vata prakruti.
3. Agneya prakruti : resembles pitta prakruti.
4. Jaleeya prakruti : resembles kapha prakruti.
5. Paarthiva prakruti : this prakruti persons have study and constant body, having quality of pardon and excuse
III. Manas prakruti :
According to predominance in the foetel stage the manas prakruti are classified into three groups :
1. Sattvik prakruti
2. Rajas prakruti
3. Tamas prakruti
1 . Sattvik prakruti :
• Sattvik prakruti is one in which satva guna dominates
• It is considered as the best among the other two
• Types of sattvik prakruti :
2.Mahendra kaya
3.Rushi kaya
4.Kauvera kaya
5.Ghandharrva kaya
6.Varuna kaya
7.Yamyasa kaya
1 . Bramha kaya :
These persons conduct are clear
Belives in the god
Read vedas constantly
Worships the god, having graet respect to elders
Celebrates the religious costumes
2. Mahendra kaya:
• These persons are having more valour and command
• Continious discussion on shastras
• Mentains the servants and dependents
3. Rushi kaya
• These persons are always muttering mantras and
• Observes religious morality
• They are refrain from indulging in sexual intercourse
• Always studying and full of all kind of knowledge
4. Kauvera kaya
• these persons are capable foe settlements of diputes
• Ability to withstand prolonged strain
• They are involved in earning and accumalating wealth
5. Ghandharva kaya:
• These persons love garland, perfumes, music and
6. Varuna loka:
• likes cold things, golden hairs, sweet speech.
7. Yamyaa kaya:
These persons are free from anger, fear, jealous, and
illusion, these persons are prompt clear rentitive.
Very useful for Bams 1st to final year thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you govind chavan
DeleteMasta iti
ReplyDeleteThank u shivanand patil