Lord Brahma recollected the knowledge of Ayurveda and passed it on to Daksha Prajapati. From him, the sacred knowledge of Ayurveda was passed on to Ashwini Kumaras (Ashwini twins who are considered as doctors for Devatas (divine souls). From them, Lord Indra learnt Ayurveda. Saint Bharadwaja, being desirous of long life, having known about Indra, approached Indra and learnt about Ayurveda. Purusharta or 4 objectives of life: Good health stands at the very root of 1.Dharma – righteousness, virtuous acts, 2.Artha – acquirement of wealth and prosperity, 3.Kama – fulfilling desires 4.Moksha – Renunciation. These are the 4 objectives of life Trisutra or principles of ayurveda viz., 1.Hetu – causative factors of disease 2.Linga – symptomatology 3.Aushadha Jnana – knowledge of therapeutics, treatments and medicines. Hetu, Linga and Aushadha are known as Trisutra – the three formulas of treating disease. Shat padartha's are : 1.Samanya (common), 2.Vish...
PRAKRUTI: The PECULAR physical and mental nature of an indivisual. PRESENTED BY: SUNIL .S .SHIRAHATTi Defination of prakruti: The term prakruti means swabhaava or nature of an indivisual. “Shukraartavastai janmaadau vishainaiva vishakrime” • Prakruti is a group of charectristics inherited by an indivisual formed at time of shukra-shonita samyoga or conseption. • At the time of fertilization the dominant dosha of both sperm and ovum constitutes the origin of prakruti of an indivisual. • Apart from this the some scholars classified prakruti on the basis of Bhuta predominance and Physcic bahaviour. • Also the deha prakruti is considered to be primarily genetic in origin as sperm and ovum carry with them the constituents of both the parents. Intra-uterine factors influencing deha-prakruti: Aacharya CHARAKA says “that majourly the prakruti of the child to be born is determined at the time of itz conception or at the time of fertilization in the womb of mother but some ot...